Instructional Materials
Reviewed PRIME v1 and v2 Correlations and PRIME 2020 alignments

WIDA is pleased to list instructional materials that have gone through the PRIME process and received a PRIME seal.
We will be adding materials that have gone through the WIDA PRIME 2020 alignment process, as well as materials for WIDA PRIME V2 for Spanish Language Development Correlations as they become available.
You may filter for correlations that were previously correlated with PRIME V1 and PRIME V2, or aligned with PRIME 2020:
PRIME V1 includes materials that were correlated with the retired WIDA English Language Proficiency Standards, 2007 Edition
PRIME V2 includes materials that were correlated with the retired 2012 Amplification of the WIDA English Language Development Standards
PRIME V2 Español includes materials that were correlated with the WIDA Spanish Language Development Standards, 2013 Edition
PRIME 2020 includes materials that are aligned to the current WIDA English Language Development Standards Framework, 2020 Edition
Please note that WIDA does not endorse any set of instructional materials. WIDA PRIME is not an evaluative tool that judges the effectiveness of published materials. EL teachers work with a wide range of needs and in a wide range of environments. For this reason, teachers should consider the information contained in the WIDA PRIME documents to determine how particular materials fit in their program.
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Grade Levels | Title |
Description |
Tags | Download |
Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 10 |
First English (DynEd) |
A beginner course for students who need to use English in school. The dialogs, listening, grammar, vocabulary and phonics lessons draw on school and home life, and are designed to move students beyond short-term memorization, developing study skills that can be applied to all subjects. |
PRIME V1 | |
Grade 5 |
Treasure Chest for English Language Learners (Macmillan/McGraw-Hill) |
Comprehensive program designed to accelerate language acquisition and reading levels, differentiate for individual learners, and fit the needs of any classroom setting. |
PRIME V1 | |
K, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6 |
Ready GEN - Pearson |
ReadyGen is a seven-level program for Grades K-6. It is an integrated literacy program that accelerates learning for all by presenting modeled reading experiences with authentic text. Students engage in practice, build motivation, and improve their reading stamina. The program features: Authentic Text at the Core of Instruction (puts a library of 12 authentic trade books in the hands of every child), Built with Results in Mind (back-mapped for success to ensure all activities meet rigorous standards), Broadens Accessibility to Complex Texts and Tasks (point of use scaffolds, strategic support, and individualizes intervention accelerate learning for all. |
PRIME V2 | |
K, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6 |
Journeys © 2017 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt |
A primary part of the Journeys ELD suite, the Language Workshop provides differentiated instruction to English Language Learners. It is a systematic program that coincides with the core instruction and is designed to be utilized at specific times when developing English language skills is the point of concentration. The Teacher Guide and Workshop Resources are used in tandem to supplement the core materials. Each Language Workshop lesson is segmented into five different daily instructional activitieour worlds and features instruction targeting three levels of academic proficiency: Emerging, Expanding, and Bridging. These proficiency levels align with multiple systems of proficiency level designation, including WIDA. |
PRIME V2 | |
K, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6 |
Look by National Geographic Learning |
Look is a seven-level young learners series from National Geographic Learning that helps students use English successfully in the 21st century with short, fresh lessons, a balanced skills foundation and confidence-boosting exam support. |
PRIME V2 | |
K, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12 |
A+ Rise Standards2Strategy (Pearson) |
Online software program matching standards and teaching strategies for English language learners |
PRIME V1 | |
Grade 4, Grade 3, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 5 |
R.I.G.O.R.(Reading Instructional Goals for Older Readers) (Benchmark Education Company) |
Benchmark Education Company's R.I.G.O.R. is designed to provide comprehensive literacy instruction with effective support for language development and content understanding |
PRIME V1 | |
Grade 3 |
Treasure Chest for English Language Learners (Macmillan/McGraw-Hill) |
Comprehensive program designed to accelerate language acquisition and reading levels, differentiate for individual learners, and fit the needs of any classroom setting. |
PRIME V1 | |
Grade 4 |
Treasure Chest for English Language Learners (Macmillan/McGraw-Hill) |
Comprehensive program designed to accelerate language acquisition and reading levels, differentiate for individual learners, and fit the needs of any classroom setting. |
PRIME V1 | |
K, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6 |
McGraw Hill Wonders © 2020 by McGraw Hill Education |
McGraw-Hill Wonders centers on literature in a variety of genres. Genre-based exploration provides students with extra exposure to concepts in the fields of science and social studies. Instruction is arranged following a daily outline, guiding reading, speaking and listening, and writing about the selected text. Throughout, grammar, spelling, and handwriting are targeted and strengthened. Wonders integrates foundational skill instruction and provides differentiated support for English Language Learners of varied proficiency levels. Teachers can use the Data Dashboard to monitor proficiency and differentiate instruction for struggling readers, gifted and talented students, and for all English Language Learners. Wonders integrates social emotional learning to help students build the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary for success. |
PRIME V2 | |
Grade 2 |
Treasure Chest for English Language Learners (Macmillan/McGraw-Hill) |
Comprehensive program designed to accelerate language acquisition and reading levels, differentiate for individual learners, and fit the needs of any classroom setting. |
PRIME V1 | |
Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12 |
PowerUp Literacy by Lexia Learning, a Cambium Company |
Lexia PowerUp Literacy provides a personalized literacy learning experience for non-proficient readers in Grades 6 through 12. It addresses 6-8th grade skills and specific skills in K-5 that are necessary to build the foundation to be proficient readers in 6-8th grade. It is designed to enhance ELA instruction for non-proficient readers in grades 6 and above. The program addresses literacy skills aligned to college and career readiness standards for grades 6-8, while teaching the specific K-5 standards that are critical to building a foundation for grade-level proficiency. The program is broken up into three distinct strands that students work in concurrently: Word Study, Grammar, and Comprehension. |
PRIME V2 | |
Grade 4, Grade 3, Grade 1, K, Grade 6, Grade 2, Grade 5 |
Lexia English Language Development - Lexia Learning, a Cambium Company |
Lexia English Language Development is a blended-solution product that delivers online instruction and practice in grammar, speaking, and listening aimed at increasing K-6 students’ academic English language proficiency. Lexia English Language Development is designed to help emergent bilingual students in grades K-6 acquire higher language proficiency levels of English. The program blends two key elements of English language learning: academic achievement and language proficiency. Students work independently to learn grammar that is systematically introduced in interactive online lessons, first repeating new forms embedded in academic language frames and then independently using the forms they learned to ask and answer questions in increasingly rigorous tasks that include listening to informational and literary texts and answering comprehension questions about what they have heard. |
PRIME V2 | |
K, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11, Grade 12 |
Fast ForWord by Scientific Learning, a division of Carnegie Learning Corporation |
Fast ForWord is designed to build the listening, speaking and reading skills for beginning to advanced language learners. The program provides the English phonics training, intensive grammar and vocabulary practice, and oral speaking and reading reinforcement necessary to build both basic and academic English proficiency. |
PRIME V2 | |
Pre K, K, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5 |
Lexia Reading Core5 - Lexia Learning, a Cambium Company |
Lexia Reading Core5 supports educators in providing differentiated literacy instruction for students of all abilities in grades pre-K-5. Lexia’s research-proven program provides explicit, systematic, personalized learning in the six areas of reading instruction, targeting skills gaps as they emerge, and providing teachers with the data and student-specific resources they need for individual or small-group instruction. |
PRIME V2 | |
Grade 4, Grade 3, Grade 1, K, Grade 2, Grade 5 |
On Our Way to English 2014 (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt/Rigby) |
Comprehensive language and literacy program for English language learners. |
PRIME V1 | |
Grade 1, K, Grade 2 |
Amplify's Core Knowledge Language Arts, Language Studio |
Language Studio is the designated English Language Development companion for Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA). Language Studio provides effective, targeted instruction to address the specific needs of English Language Learners (ELLs). Lessons preview or reinforce language and content introduced during Primary Instruction so that ELLs of all proficiency levels are able to access grade-level content knowledge and develop academic English and effective expression across domains. |
PRIME V2 | |
Pre K, K, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7, Grade 8 |
Istation (Istation Inc.) |
Istation Reading is online interactive individualized Reading program that maximizes growth for English learners, at risk students, and students with disabilities in grades pre-K-8. |
PRIME V1 | |
Grade 4, Grade 3, Grade 1, K, Grade 2, Grade 5 |
HMH On Our Way to English © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt |
HMH On Our Way to English is a comprehensive language and literacy program for English Language Learners in grades K?5. The On Our Way to English program provides English instruction in all four domains through interactive exploration of science- and social studies- themed units and differentiated reading instruction. The program was developed to fully address ELD standards and to support the Common Core State Standards. It can be used as a standalone program or to supplement materials currently in use in the classroom. |
PRIME V2 | |
Grade 4, Grade 3, Grade 1, K, Grade 2, Grade 5 |
Language Central c2013 (Pearson) |
Language Central provides systematic, flexible, and explicit instruction that scaffolds learning English and is aligned to the CCSS. Leveled support is provided for students from Newcomers to Bridging level students. |